Warm Winters Grant (WWG)

A helping hand for the month of December, allowing low-income residents to weatherproof their homes, better insulate, and have heating.

Grant Details

The Warm Winters Grant is designed to ensure low-income families don’t have to face the recently harsh winters without the basic need of heating, after having a week of snow each year for the past few years. We’re providing critical financial support to cover heating costs during December, ensuring families can stay warm and safe for the coldest month of the year.

We are providing $15,000 in funds to cover the use of heating in December, home energy assessments, and weatherproofing your home. A smaller amount of $7,500 is provided to those who rent apartments, as it is the responsibility of the landlord to weatherproof your complex.

It is about more than just covering heating bills however, it is part of a wider effort to promote sustainable energy use, ensure safer living conditions, and strengthen communities during the toughest time of the year. By focusing on energy efficiency and reducing costs, we’re not just providing a short-term solution but helping families develop sustainable practices for the future.

The grant requires applicants to meet specific low-income thresholds and demonstrate a clear need for heating support. Additionally, we seek families and individuals who are open to adopting energy-saving methods to ensure that their homes stay warm for winters to come.

Applicants are encouraged to clearly outline their financial needs, the specific challenges they face in keeping their homes warm, and their willingness to participate in energy-efficiency initiatives. Our goal is to offer not only immediate relief but also long-term solutions to make winters more manageable for all.


Qualifying Locations:
  • - Davis
  • - Rancho
  • - Strawberry
  • - Little Seoul
  • - Vespucci
  • - Vespucci Canals
  • - Cypress Flats
  • - Chamberlain Hills
  • - Textile City
  • - Mission Row
  • - El Burro Heights
  • - La Mesa
  • - Murietta Heights
  • - Paleto (Encompassing)
  • - Blaine County (Encompassing)

Financial Need:
The recipient's household must be earning less than $100,000 in disposable income per annum.

(( This relates to in-character assets, having script money in excess is fine as long as you roleplay appropriate financial portrayal. ))

Application Form

Don't worry about meeting every requirement in your application; we'll gather additional information upon an initial meeting.
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